Abstract:Petrological and petrochemical characteristics show that there exist such volcanic and subvolcanic rock types as basalt, iddingsite olivine basalt, olivine basaltic trachyandesite, trachybasalt, latite, trachydacite, trachyte, rhyolite, tuff and granite-porphyry in northeast Jiangxi Province. The volcanic rocks can be subdivided into high K calc-alkaline series, shoshonite series and alkaline basalt series. The high K calc-alkaline series is rich in Si, K, and poor in Mg, Fe, Ca, Al. The shoshonite series and alkaline series are rich in K,Al,Ti and poor in Si. It seems that shoshonite is richer in K,Ti,Si and poorer in Mg,Fe,Ca than alkaline basalt series. These complicated volcanic rocks might have resulted from strike-shift and angled subduction of Faralong, Izanagi and Kula plates relative to Asian continent and the NE-NNE trending strike-shift shearing and extension generated from the plates movement.