Abstract:Olivine in kimherlites of Shandong Province is known to have six main modes of occwrrence:(1)megacry}ts一(>l Omm ),(2)coarse-grained olivine ( 5-l Omm),(3)medium-grained olivine (2-5 mm),(4) microgranular or groundmass olivine(<0.2mm),(5)olivine as inclusions in diamond; and (6)olivine in deep-seated xenoliths of kimberlite. Megacrystalline and macrocrystalline olivine occurs as rounded crystals, whereas groundmass olivine as subhedral and euhedral erystals. Olivine in Shandong kimberlites ranges from colorless through light green to green in color, and the relationship between the color and the size is like this, large crystals (macrocrysts) are colorless and light green, while small crystals (groundrnass olivine) are green, stfggesting that the former contain higher Fo than the latter. Three compositional variation trends have been observed from core to rim of the olivine:(1)iron-increasing trend;(2)magnesium -increasing trend;(3)coexistence of the above two trends in the same oli- vine. However; the zonal variation is very limited, e.g., Fo varies in the ran- ge of 0.2-1.6% from core to rim. Usually with Fo decreasing Ni0 contents decrease and Ca0 contents increase. With the increase in diamondcontent of kimberlites, Fo values of olivine increase, e. g.,olivine of diamond-rich kimberlite from Shengli-1 of Shan- dong contains higher Fo (90.2-92.5%) than that of diamond-poor kimber- liter from Tiongqi-6 of of Sha.ndong(88-89.5%). There are 10 strong absorption bands(982, 948, 880, 837, 606, 510, 465, 420, 380 and 363cm-1) within the range of 350-1200 cna-1` in infrared spectra of olivine from Shengli-1 kimberlite pipe. The presence of 420 cm-1and 606 cm-1 shows that the olivine in question belongs to forsterite.