Abstract:There are two main types of skarn in the Makeng and Yangshan skarn iron ore deposits, 1 .Calcic-skarn of early stage. It consists manly of granets (grossularite-andradite series),pyroxenes (diopside-salite-hedenbergite series), vesuvianites, epidotes-clinozoisites, plagioclases and orthoclases, in the exoskarn it is usually accompanied by magnetitization, while in the endoskarn, molybde- nitization, 2. Manganese calcic-skarn of later stage. It is composed chiefly of Mn-hedenbergites, bustamites, pyroxmangites, Mn-ilvaites, Mn-wollastonites, which are associated with mineralizations of sphalerites, galenas and pyrites. These two types of skarn are closely related to each other but show dist- inct zoning either in small metasomatic column or in the whole deposit. They are both the products of the metasomatic action of a unified process of the skarn mineralization and may make up a new minerogenetic series of skarn mineral deposits. In this paper eight examples of various kinds of skarn metasomatic columns with corresponding mineralization zoning are given in detail. The data of belance compute of petrological chemical analysis of skarn zones for the main metasomatic columns suggests the migration law of major chemical ele- ments in the skarn metasomatic process, the skarn components like alumium, silicon and calcium as well as part of iron and magnesium are mainly. from the primary country rocks. But the most part of iron and manganese are car- tied up by hydrothermal solutions. The infiltration metasomatism of the che- mical components between aluminosilicats (diabasic diorites, granites and other elastic rocks) and carbonate rocks play the major role in the formation of the skarns, while the diffusion metasomatism also makes important contribution. Detailed investigation of the paragensis of the skarn minerals, especially that of the couples of pyroxene-garnet minerals indicates that calcic skarn and its associated magnetitizations are formed in the condition of lower acidity of the solution with higher oxygen fugacity. Along with the evolution of the sk- arns,the acidity of solution increaces and the manganese skarn, which is acco- mpaied by polymetallic sulfide mineralizations, gradually takes the place of the calcic skara.